Designing Exclusively for Businesses, Executives, Groups, Organizations, & Individuals
Designing Exclusively for Businesses, Executives, Groups, Organizations, & Individuals
It is always disheartening to turn a family and their student away because they cannot afford school tuition.
AA-YP has been in search for fundraising programs that could help defray the cost of tuition for parents needing financial assistance, as well as ones that would be exciting to the students. The American Academy for Young Professionals is an integrated auxiliary of Lifting Christ Worship Center, a religious nonprofit organization, as well as a nationally accredited K-12 school. We are thankful that B&Os Custom Footwear will be used as a funding tool to help provide education for deserving students.
This fundraiser/business will provide students with an array of business soft skills that will build a solid foundations for a career, as well as life.
Our footwear is handmade with the finest Italian leather, vegan, and animal friendly materials. For each pair of shoes sold, the school will receive thirty dollars. These funds will be a tremendous help with making available full and partial tuition scholarships for middle and high school students.
When you order shoes or your own custom designed B&Os Footwear, please know that with each step you take in them, a student is being educated because of your footwear.
Tell us what you want, and we will design it just for you!